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Favorite Ways with Mangos

Did I tell you that I have never liked mangoes?  Hated them, in fact.  I just could not get what all of the fuss was about.  I tried them fresh, dried, and pressed into juice.  Uh uh.  Nope.  Didn’t like them.  And then one dayI DID!

I have no explanation for this change.  There is scientific evidence that most of the cells in our bodies are renewed every 7 years. This change concerns emotional, physical, and mental changes, which is my only explanation for why I like things today that I never could abide in the past.  Well, viva el cambio!  (Long live the change), because today I find these juicy, nutritional wonders absolute heaven.

In the hope that, like me, you either love, or will eventually love mangos, here are some favorite ways to enjoy them.  Click on the name of the dish for the complete recipe.  They are, clockwise, l-r:

Nothing says summer like a light, refreshing, colorful dish. Try one, or more of these recipes, and let me know what you think!

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