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Mounds Bar Brownies

 My aunt, my son, and I all converged on my dad's house yesterday morning to clean, move furniture, and set up for the St. Patrick's Day dinner that I will be serving at his house instead of ours come Sunday.  It will be the first time in over a decade that I haven't hosted it at home, but these are difficult times. As slight as this holiday may be to most people, St. Pat's has always been a well celebrated favorite of mine, and this year represents the first that we will observe as a family since my mother passed away. Yesterday, as we all worked together, and dad grilled steaks for our lunch, we kept mother firmly in mind giving consideration to what she would have wanted with every move that we made.
 Though dad provided the lunch, and a delicious one it was, I brought the dessert. Mother was never the fan of coconut that dad is, so the dessert was for him, Mounds Bar Brownies. Surely one of the easiest desserts I've ever made, it is also a good one, particularly for the chocolate and coconut fan, and was greedily consumed by all. These are sweet, chewy, and rich, so cut them into small squares.

Mounds Bar Brownies

1 Duncan Hines Family Size Brownie Mix
1 14-oz. bag shredded coconut (5-1/3 cups)
1 14-oz. can sweetened condensed milk
1-1/3 cups powdered sugar
1 can Duncan Hines Milk Chocolate frosting

Preheat oven to 350°F.  Spray a 9 x 13 pan with Pam.  Prepare brownies according to package directions; pour into pan, and spread to cover the bottom.  Bake and let cool completely.

Meanwhile, in the bowl of a stand mixer, combine coconut, sweetened condensed milk, and powdered sugar until all ingredients are thoroughly blended.  Spread coconut mixture over cooled brownies.

Place can of frosting, lid and foil sealer removed, into the microwave and heat on high for 10-20 seconds until pourable.  Pour frosting over the coconut mixture, and smooth out with an offset spatula. Allow the icing to set (I popped mine into the freezer for about 15 minutes), before cutting into squares.

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