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PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: Campbell's Skillet Sauces, Thai Curry Chicken

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It’s not often that I have a product recommendation, but I’m going to recommend this one, because I think it is darned good.

Over the holidays, I had no interest in cooking. Unfortunately, I continued to have an interest in eating. One night, I fell down the rabbit hole that is Amazon (you know, you search for one thing, and then Amazon suggests things that they think you may like — you always do — and three hours later you’ve placed an order), and was exploring offerings on Prime Pantry. During the winter, a.k.a. flu season, I don’t like to leave the house, and order a lot of pantry staples online. Generally, you will find me barricaded in my home, wearing surgical gloves and mask, spraying my nostrils with
Ocean Spray, diffusingrosemary and eucalyptus essential oils, drinking gallons of orange juice, and noshing on homemade chicken noodle soup. After a while, however, that gets a little old, and I want something with a little zing.

On a whim, I bought this Campbell's Skillet Sauces, Thai Curry Chicken. The reviews looked good, but as someone who cooks all of the time, I know that my expectations can often be a little higher than people who eat convenience food as a routine.
Having implemented my new austerity program beginning January 1, along with my new work ethic program — clean three things a day, organize three things a day, make three things a day, discard/donate three things today — (that is keeping me more tired than I ever imagined), I decided to give the skillet meal a try. It can be on the table in under 30 minutes, even if you, like I did, make my homemade lime cilantro rice. But don’t feel obligated to spend any time on the rice; you can make Minute Rice, microwave rice, standard cooked rice, and if you want to add flavor to it, chop up cilantro and stir it in when it’s finished.  If you want to add flavor but don’t want to chop, toss in a couple of fresh basil leaves. I had purchased chicken already cut into strips, so after I heated my oil I just tossed it into the pan.

I did not have high hopes, but this is really good. It has a decent amount of heat, but not too much, lots of flavor, couldn’t be easier, and satisfied my taste for Thai food. Serve it with naan, and a side of chutney (I used favorites
cranberry andmango), and you have yourself a wonderful meal. I found this made two main dish servings.

Campbell’s Thai Curry Chicken. Highly recommended!

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