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Coconut Water Smoothie with Mango, Banana, and Strawberries

In the heat of the summer, and, trust me when I tell you that it is here, there is both a need for hydration and good nutrition.  But, really, who wants to eat?  Enter the fresh fruit smoothie! Yes, I know that this is nothing new, but this version, from Bobby Flay, pumps up both taste and nutrition with the addition of those coconut ice cubes that you made a while back. I adapted his recipe slightly to serve one, but you can double or triple this to serve as many parched souls as you can find. If, like me, you enjoy a nice smoothie in the afternoon during the cocktail hour, a shot of vodka makes this extra special.

Coconut Water Smoothie with Mango, Banana,
and Strawberries
Slightly adapted from Bobby Flay

½ frozen banana*
½ mango, cubed
1/3 cup fresh strawberries, halved
½ Tablespoon organic honey
2 Tablespoons plain Greek yogurt
3-4 coconut ice cubes

Toss all ingredients into a blender and whir until thoroughly blended, creamy, and smooth.  Add suitable garnish and cute swizzle stick, and serve.

*When the bananas on your counter have darkened beyond comfortable usability, cut them in half, pop them into freezer bags, and store them in the freezer.  Any time you want a smoothie, grab a half, peel it and cut it into chunks.
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